about us
meet nick and loz
Their adventure into the art world came through the medium of Tattoos over 15 years ago when they were both tattooed by a close friend.
This experience started the creative cogs turning and inspired them both to start to create future tattoos for themselves.
Nick and Loz were both surprised to find a shared love for art steming back to childhood.

This, in turn, progressed to buying tattoo equipment and eventually tattooing each other (and anyone daft enough to let them have a go on them!)
Picking up tips and tricks from their tattoo Artist friend along the way.
As they got more experienced they started to have more and more willing candidates, building up a robust client base.
Today Nick and Loz Carroll are coming into their 12th year as owners of a well established Tattoo Studio and art gallery in the heart of Handforth.
While discovering all the different elements involved in the tattooing process Loz and Nick found colour the most challenging.
To study colour in more depth they started to explore paints….
A few dog portraits and Scenic views later and the love of painting was deeply ingrained in both Nick and Loz, painting at home on days off.
When the ability to walk through the living room without tripping over a canvas was gone they decided to make this side project official by renting a space for an art studio.
This was where Musburys Fine Art was born.

Over the years at the tattoo studio Nick and Loz have trained numerous apprentices to become professional tattoo artists.
“We have organically created the ability for artists to work alongside other artists on a daily basis at the tattoo studio.
Sharing knowledge and growing together as artists is really rewarding and something we hope to carry through into painting.
With the addition of our new workshop and art gallery the next stage of our artistic journey is well underway!
We hope you come along for the ride!”