Art has been in my life as far back as I can remember. Creating something with my own hands is such a special feeling, absorbing into the process and getting lost in the creation, is a very personal journey. 

Making desert islands out of cardboard and tissue paper as a child are memories that I cherish. I can remember being on that island and exploring through my imagination. 

This escapism into Art still gives me that same excitement today as a Professional Tattoo Artist and Painter. 

I started Tattooing in 2008 which led me to use other mediums in my spare time like oil and acrylic paint. 

As I tattooed people over the years I started to crave for more large scale colour pieces which didn’t come around that often in the tattoo shop. 

I’ve found that I like painting abstract interpretation’s of my dreams, and the natural world around me. 

I dream about bursting rivers overflowing into landscapes full of strange creatures and trees that reach into the heavens, post apocalyptic worlds with houses chiselled into mountain side waterfalls. 

Some of my paintings start with a feeling or emotion then using shape and colour I can start to combine my experiences onto the canvas. 


I usually have a rough idea of where I want the painting to go, when my memories start to take shape I let the paint do the work from there. 

Painting for me is not just self-expression it’s a journey, a search for a feeling, an escape, an adventure to share. 

Nature has a massive influence over my work, I draw parallels between the real world and my own experiences as I sleep. Evoking an emotion in the viewer is what I hope to achieve, it’s a crazy place we live in and finding peace and beauty in all this chaos I feel my work can give a little of that to the world.